This event was held on September 30th, 2022 at the Illinois Terminal in Champaign, Illinois. Grand Master Mike Jackson attended and spoke at this event. Illinois Masonic Outreach Director Martin and Assistant Director Hunt attended and Director Martin gave a presentation.
In 1995 the estate of Mrs. Ruth Hayward endowed Urbana Masonic Lodge No. 157 with $2.2 million with a stipulation. That those funds will be managed by the members of the lodge and be used to benefit the senior citizens of Champaign County Illinois. In 1996 the lodge established the non-profit 501c3 fund named the Ruth Hayward Masonic Fund and began to fulfill the wishes of Mrs. Hayward. After much work it was decided to invest all the money and each year take the annual earnings and give those to senior programs in Champaign County. Doing things this way means the RHMF will continue to help senior citizens year after year for a long time to come. This year marks our 26th Anniversary. Not only do we celebrate an outstanding milestone, but we also mark a new level of our total dollars in gifts over the years. With this year’s donations to eight different charities your total has reached over $3.3 Million since we began. Far exceeding our original endowment.
The list of organizations that have received funds includes: Ageless Solutions, Family Service Home Care and Senior Transportation, Meals on Wheels, Food for Seniors, Faith in Action, Peace Meal, and The Salvation Army.
- Graham Houser
Grand Master Jackson